Thursday, April 2, 2009

Intensive Care

Reya was five weeks early (she was due on March 2nd), so the doctors wanted her to go to the Neo-Natal Intensive Care Unit overnight so they could watch her and make sure everything was okay. During the first night they realized that she was not processing the small amount of food that she was taking in. So they kept her to see if her digestive system had a problem. She spent three days at the NICU at our local hospital. When she wasn't getting better, the doctors were concerned that she had an intestinal blockage, so she was moved to Children's Mercy Hospital so she would be near the surgeons who specialize in babies in case they needed to do surgery. They had to take her in an mobile incubator on a special ambulance.

She spent a week at Children's Mercy. It was slow going, but she sorted her digestive system out on her own. She didn't have a blockage, she just wasn't completely ready to eat on her own because she was so early. We were very lucky. There were so many poor babies at the hospital that had much worse problems than she did.

These pictures are all from January 28th while she was still at our local hospital.

Trying to sleep despite all the tubes.

New position. And already loving the hospital pacifier.

A rare chance to hold her during those early weeks.

Caught yawning.

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